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Wed Nov 26th 2014
song: Edward Francis- Saxaphone
song: Halsall- When the world was one
The Trews: Ferguson, What value do our laws have?
Burnaby Mountain: A message from Tamo Campo
Burnaby Mountain: A message from David Suzuki
song: Camille- Le Festin
Your Sense Too, the live call-in show that asks for your two sense
Wed Nov 19th 2014
song: Remix of Caribou- Sun
song: Caribou- Bowls
song: Bonobo-Cirrus
song: Scalpel- Sea
song: My Brightest Diamond- this is my hand (oops)
song: Blitz the Ambassador- Make you no forget
song: Kelis- Hooch
song: Dumbo Gets Mad- Eclectic Prawn
song: Cosmonostro- The Blaster
song: Watchin Out
song: Everything Has Changed
Wed Nov 5th 2014
song: Swindle- Walter’s Call
Interview about legal graffiti
song: Polar Bear- Be Free
song: Synesthette
The Trews: Can we ditch capitalism?
Your Sense Too, the live call-in show that asks for your two cents
song: Scalpel- Siesta
song: Scalpel- Sea
song: Scalpel- Transit