We start off this chatty little hour with some Pretty Lights. This first segment goes into some Jerry Steen event update stuff and then we hear from Carl Sagan about what time is. How do we measure time? What is time? Deep, bruv. Reeo deep. (17 mins)
Second segmento I explore the wonderful world of Delhi 2 Dublin- who I get to meet tomorrow! You should come out to the Queens. It’s gonna be amazing! (8 mins)
More talk. We begin this segment with some Lennon. “You may think I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one”. An interview with very nice lady Maria who tells us a bit about why she translated a mexican book called 2012 and Beyond. Polished off with a bit of a chakra beatbox mantra! Cool, right? Lots of talking. I know. (16 mins)
More talk, but the shiz iz fascinating, right? Maybe one too many sear words for the morningtime (sorry soccer moms), but Joe Rogan verbalizes what I pften have a hard time expressing. It was kind of funny, because Maria (very nice older Mexican lady) would tell me not to apologize for Joe’s swearing. She said “he’s probably getting through to people! What he says is very important.” I agree, Maria. Swearing is good. Psychedlic drugs are good. Ask McKenna. (16 mins)