Category: Internet Finds
Rosanne interviewed on RT in 2013 and on Howard Stern in 2014
CSPAN interviews group on 9/11
Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth Here’s their website: Not to beat a dead horse, but…. come on. This is the biggest paradigm-shifting event in modern history. On the recent 13th anniversary of the event, it’s time we all realize the holes in the story. For example, here are only a few things of…
2014 Crop Circles
Here’s a site which outlines them all: It was hard to pick a favourite. But if I had to, it would be this one:
Market Promo Vid
Myself and Fox appear around the 40 seconds mark. Thanks, Shane Philip! So many friends and good vibes in this video
Drone view of BM2014
New interview with Graham Hancock
My favourite parts from an interview with Graham Hancock published on earlier this month. Incredible. Please read the whole thing here: Graham Hancock: Much of human history is up for grabs. The further back you go, the more that the history that’s taught in the schools and universities begins to look like some…