• SSVH: December Blabberings

    The Sweet and Sour Variety Hour is expecting a few new segments ready to start in the new calendar year. Metaphysical learnings and teachings from Flora the Clarvoyant, and a segment called Librarians on the Radio presented by employees of the Vancouver Island Ragional Library- Nanaimo branch. This week’s show was on the fly. Here it is in 4 parts: (more…)

  • Ayahuasca Exorcism and Lessons in Gratitude

    For one week, I’ve had no sugar.

    One week, no salt.

    No fat.

    No caffeine.

    No marijuana.

    No orgasms.

    No alcohol.

    No dairy.

    And still 4 more days to go.

    Why the hell would someone abstain from these palpable pleasures? (more…)

  • The Complex

    I came across my own feelings on this subject in a conversation with my dad over a joint on my back deck.  I was explaining my thoughts about changes that occurred in me after having moved to Vancouver Island BC. In reflection, maybe it has nothing to do with moving from Toronto, instead more to do with inevitable changes that happen to any 21-25 year old person.  Either way, my thoughts were that I’ve mostly overcome one of the most challenging  limits in my life, and now everything is easier.  It’s a limit I feel has been installed in every person who subjects themselves to “the mainstream”: I’ve coined it as The Complex. (formerly the Female Complex) (more…)

  • Sweet and Sour Variety Hour: November 28

    This will be the last episode of the SSVH in which Jerry in Da Haus appears at the beginning of the show. Starting next week, this segment will be at the end of the show! First song of the day is by Waldek. Big thanks to Graeme to sending it to me! (13 mins) (

    Here is the MP3

    MUSIC! A variety of it! (11 mins) (

    Here is the MP3

    More music, and a 7 minute description of what a “global paradise situation” would look like. Pretty wild! Big ups to maddame Bliss Rider for bring so awesome and letting me poach tunes from her collection. (13 mins)

    Here is the MP3

    From Brazillian Beat, we hear from a vocalist named Tita Lima. I chose to play her song because her name reminded me of boobs. (8 mins)

    Here is the MP3

    Interview with Leon, regional director of SPCA’s in this area. We talk about pets! Then we hear a track from the Hellbound Hepcats new album released last month. It was a good time. I feel bad for laughing at Leon about the whole “take your pet to get it’s photo taken with Santa” thing. (13 mins)

    Here is the MP3

  • Tonight!

    These two badass ladies are playing tonight at The Queens!! (more…)

  • Hey, Justin!

    Wanna be leader of the country one day? Better start thinking about how you’ll challenge NATO on anything(more…)

Lookit! An Instagram!