The show starts off with a good bassy-techno-y song called High Together, then moves into an event update with Jerry in Da Haus. It kind of felt like we were all “High Together”. You know, like on drugs or something. I dunno. The weather, and a prompt to pay pledges. (13 mins)
Second segment commence! A bright and cheery flamenco-inspired song, followed abruptly by Ween. You know how much I love Ween, right? After that I kind of go on and on about how to listen to the SSVH. Bear with me. (10 mins)
Flora the Clairvoyant and I have a conversation about the metaphysical! Past lives, meditation, the spirit world, inner awareness, you name it. She’s going to join us again in the future of this linear time! Have a question for Flora? Send your questions to ashta@ashta(dot)ca. We end the segment with some highjacked reglious song: Selassie is the Chapel by Bob Marley mon. (18 mins)
Basement Batman, Cab Calloway, Rap News, and Kate Bush. It’s not called a variety hour for nothin, folks. (19 mins)
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