Seasonal Reminder

Low-cost, cheap, poorly-made junk is made from fossil fuel products. Mostly, the manufacturing process includes the use of slavery.

Workers around the world aren’t paid fair wages, and their quality of life is dismal. If these global free-trade agreements were not allowed in the first place, more local jobs would be available closer to home.

Never forget that free-trade = slave labour

Wal-Mart’s profit last year was around 120 BILLION dollars. That money did not go towards improving any situation for the suffering it cost. It went into the pockets of families who are already so disgustingly wealthy, keeping them in the lives they’re accustomed to (unfathomably celebrated in mainstream culture).

Please keep these things in mind when you’re making choices on what to spend your money on this gift-giving season. Every dollar you spend is a vote for the practices, products, and reality of how that thing came into existence.

Voting for the destructive, harmful, and unhealthy situations for our sisters and brothers on the other side of our home (Earth) means we’re helping to perpetuate bad energy that always come back to us eventually.

Please don’t vote for slavery, plastics, and green house emissions. Try as hard and diligently as you can to find locally-made products and avoid purchasing anything that is ultimately not needed.

Is it for looks? Conversation? Novelty? Convenience? Is it “such a great deal” that you simply can’t resist? You/they probably don’t need it. DON’T BUY IT!

Not enough people know about what a “good deal” really means. It may be a “good deal” for the amount of dollars you’re voting with, but be assured it’s a disgusting and horrible deal for every link in between. And it is coming back to bite us all in the ass eventually.



