Variety of Last Week

A tad tardy by one week indeed. In four parts, here is last weeks Sweet and Sour Variety Hour. Tune in tomorrow morning from 8-9am to catch the next episode! WOO!


I started the show off with a GEM of a station identification which was made (I think) by my friend Rose back in the day. Art. Just art. I’ve added it to regular usage down at the station. We then have 15 minutes of an episode of Film Buff Radio featuring all the music from the SNL classic film Blues Brothers. Film Buff rrrrraaaadio (17 mins)

Here is the MP3

More blues music! A tribute to Harpdog Brown ending off with one of my favourite blues tunes ever (14 mins)

Here is the MP3

My favourite segment of the hour! Changing things up a little, we go into some badass voice and throat vibey action! A Cappella a la mode, baby. My favourite African trive BCUC singing the Bazumba song, then I dedicate a song to Xavier, and then play a guy beatboxing into a digeridoo. It doesn’t get crazier than this. (21 mins)

Here is the MP3

Me and Jerry shoot the shit for 6 mins (6 mins)

Here is the MP3


