Help CHLY join with The Discourse

The Discourse is a community-supported journalism endeavor that is hoping to have a permanent presence in Nanaimo. They are funded by their readership, the very people who The Discourse is accountable to.  Recently, they have announced that they are offering limited spaces for Founding Partners to align with their cause. I think CHLY belongs on that short list.

Today, I am launching a fundraising campaign that will join The Discourse and CHLY as media partners. But only if we can raise enough funds.

One donation goes a long way

With your help, CHLY can secure a position as Founding Partner by raising $5000, which will be matched in kind.  Your donation will doubly secure the longevity and strength of  these two important media outlets for the Mid-Island region at large.

If you value the presence of community-based journalism, please consider making a donation. We’ve made it so easy! Just go to to give what you can. For donations of at least $101.20, you will get a special thanks on the front page of our website, social media, and live on the air.


Here are some screen shots and links that show how CHLY and The Discourse are a perfect match.

On Wednesday, December 2nd, I aired on The Sweet and Sour Variety Hour, a recent article from This Discourse in it’s entirety. Here is my presentation of Plans to revitalize old A&B Sound building in downtown Nanaimo by Julie Chadwick for The Discourse (12 minutes long)

Here is a screen shot of what the donation box looks like when you go to


