Tag: mckenna
Gaiam TV is taking it to the next level
A full-length episode of MindShift from GaiamTV hosted by Daniel Pinchbeck. Guests include Russell Brand and Eve Ensler. WORTH A WATCH!
Science Set Free
Another banned TED talk, this time by Rupert Sheldrake. This is one of those talks that makes you privy to the inside workings of a professional sect of world society: the science community. I highly recommend that you listen to this TED talk, and then read about the other 8 dogmas of science.
Sweet and Sour Variety Hour Update
Details and links for the four most recent episodes of the Sweet and Sour Variety Hour
Ayahuasca Exorcism and Lessons in Gratitude
Okay. So now I’m going to try and explain last night. Honest and sincere, here on “my blog”, for all eyes to see. I think this information is very important. If you know and trust my judgment of…stuff, than well, read on knowing that I ain’t shittin’ ya.
Psychedelic drug use was good for me. It can be good for you too!
I’m a vocal advocate of psychedelic drug use. Enough of this hiding in the closet bullshit. It’s been centuries, people.
Embrace the Anti-bodies
“We have gone sick by following a path of untrammelled rationalism, male dominance, attention to the visible surface of things, practicality, bottom-line-ism.