In a nutshell, this is what I understand.
- Stupid humans have built an existence dependent on the finite resource of fossil fuels.
- Even though existing technologies were developed along the way, they have been effectively oppressed through sabotage, collusion, conspiracy, and even murder.
- The world’s almost completely run out of fossil fuels. Now we’re scraping the bottom of the barrel to get the last of it – literally.
- The colonial “first world” state of Canada has the biggest supply of what’s left. It’s in Alberta, Canada’s Texas.
- Alberta oil sands have to be washed before it can be used.
- Idiotically, sending it to China in rickety tin cans is the only way to accomplish this at a profit.
- It’s sent through a massive piping system across Alberta and out to BC’s coast where the tin cans get loaded.
- We idiotically buy it back from China at full price as a finished product.
- This process has proven to do major harm to the environment and communities.
- Examples of extraction harm: Dries up watersheds. Poisons watersheds. Causes entire communities to deal with new cancers. Destroys ancient wildlife ecosystems. Etc.
- In every instance, oil spills into the environment. Every time.
- Given the size, limited turning radius, dodgy navigation area and construction quality of the tankers, a spill will certainly happen.
- Television “programming” has out-rightly lied to those who still allow themselves to be subjected to it. The commercial showed terrain depicted in the left photo, while reality is depicted in the right photo:
- Examples of spillage harm: loss of healthy ocean life, destruction of ecosystems, loss of pacific fisheries, loss of BC tourism.
- The tax-paying residents of BC will have to foot the bill to clean the spills and repair the damage done.
- It’s become obvious to many that fossil fuel use can be obsolete if only the greedy fuckers who stand to make BIG BUCKS would allow it’s obsolescence.
- We need the rest of Earth’s fossil fuel supplies to create the renewable resource conversion technology to power generations to come.
Instead, all this damage is for huge profits for few, and continuing idiotic mass consumerism and pseudo-convenience.
That’s why this is such a big deal?
To benefit few rich families, global society is denied technology and systems that would replace refined fossil fuels entirely. Some argue that in order to manufacture all of this replacement technology to power the coming generations, we would need every drop of fossil fuel – of which we are now literally scraping the bottom of the barrel for. Instead of allowing such mainstream realization, the status quo remains hypnotized by television, being told everything is fine. Continue consumption. Drive to the dollar store. Buy those things you think you must own, but don’t really need at all. “Everything is okay.” B.C. people are choked because a bitumen spill will probably one day ruin our pristine corner of Earth.
But isn’t this just another problem to add to the list?
The list that boils down *every time* to the very same root cause of every single discernible problem on Spaceship Earth?
The debt-based monetary global financial system.
This is what must be DONE AWAY with.
The replacement is already underway. Bitcoin is the future of our surviving planet.
In the meantime, we must remember to be kind, to vote with our dollars (and milliBits), to turn off the programming, to choose the least-consumption option (like local food) and to never be afraid to zoom out enough to recognize what all of our problems come from: the debt-based global currency paradigm operated by a few greedy assholes by their private greedy banking cartels. We must not fear each other. Don’t worry about what others think of you. Just do and say what is in your heart, without fear of judgement by those around you. At the same time, don’t judge others. We must remember to be kind.
Once the debt-based monetary global financial system is changed, EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE. We are the 99%!
Oh, and if anyone thinks Justin Trudeau will do shit about what I’m talking about, this is what he told me when I asked him: