War is obsolete

We can now take care of everybody at a higher standard of living than anybody has ever known. It does not have to be “you or me,” so selfishness is unnecessary and war is obsolete. This has never been done before.” -Buckminster Fuller, 1981

Last Thursday, Justin Trudeau said he was urging the UN Security Council to investigate and find out exactly who used the chemical weapons in Syria last week. He said we should find out, and he was right. The Syrian military said it wasnt them. Russia said it wasnt them.

That night, Donny Trump launches a bunch of missiles at a Syrian military base anyway. Some hit the target, some dont….hitting elsewhere and causing major fucking damage.  Civilians killed. He did this even though it’s officially undetermined who made the initial chemical attacks.  Some people believe it was actually instigated and funded by the US to give them an excuse to start bombing shit. History has shown, it’s not impossible to imagine this. So maybe Trump did know after all.

Friday, Justin Lie-deau said he fully supports Trump in his action. WTF, dude.  You’re really living up to your sentiments that you’re happy to relinquish Canada’s progress to falling “in line” with whatever everyone else is doing.  Did you have a nice few days in New York City last week? I’m sure they’re treating you well. So disappointed in this guy. He could have been a hero on the right side of history. Or maybe he was just a groomed shill from the start.

AND WTF MAINSTREAM MEDIA!? People are trusting you to tell them the truth of the matter.  Instead, almost every media outlet is celebrating the perpetuating of circumstances that ALWAYS result in children dying.  The message being that this is some form of justice.

This really pisses me off.

I urge you to read some truth about whats really happening in Syria.

From the Intercept, this is Glenn Greenwald

From truthdig.com, this is Chris Hedges

Here are some photos of Syria before they dropped the US dollar and basically renounced being involved with Unites States ten years ago. (coincidence?) What did the US have to say about that? They knowingly armed an extremist-dominated insurgency to weaken the Syrian government, which prolonged the war in that country and strengthened ISIS and Al Qaeda.



