Tag: evolution
Police brutality is the widest form of bullying. It’s extension, of course, is militarism.
Spin Alley, how do you spin the story?
Jon Stewart totally calls out these two CNN personalities for being rigged fakers, wasting the opportunity to inform the public of relevant matters. It’s pure gold.
Sacred Economics, Surviving Progress & Forbidden Fruit
Documentaries. A medium that serves to educate, entertain, and stimulate. So many of the topics I enjoy learning about are often entirely connected. My own fascination and thirst for this stuff fuels my need for sharing them with you now. Every day I come across information that I want to share.
The Pope Quits
Thanks for quitting, Pope. But couldn’t you have taken down the madness with you?
Nanaimo Idle No More
If you aren’t aware, the indigenous people of lands across this continent have been oppressed, poisoned, brutally colonized, discriminated against, and now, there is an attempted extermination underway. I’m not exaggerating.
Reason, facts, scientific evidence…but only when it suits
Amanda Orum’s brilliant Letter to the Editor. Now to see if it actually gets printed. “By shredding the remnants of political democracy, the financial institutions lay the basis for carrying the lethal process forward – as long as their victims are willing to suffer in silence”-Chomsky